Currys Elucidat Design and Development

eLearning intro page
Project type
Project year
2020 - 2023

Designing and developing e-learning with Elucidat

Over the last few years, through Jampan, I collaborated with the Currys' learning team, assisting them in implementing their new brand across both existing and new educational programs.

Using the Elucidat authoring tool, I worked closely with subject matter experts and storyboard creators to transform the content into visually appealing courses that offer a seamless user experience. From short micro learning modules to large multi topic courses I accurately duplicated Currys strong visual brand into the Elucidat builds and utilised the diverse array of components and tools.

I find satisfaction in the challenge of maintaining brand consistency while infusing a fresh and modern aesthetic to keep users engaged. Whether it's developing standalone modules or creating robust templates meant for repeated use, I am adept at creating compelling and user-friendly learning experiences.

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